HEO District Three Minor Hockey Association


The following forms are to be downloaded from the HEO website to ensure you are using the most recent version of the form:

  • Affiliation Permission Form - Prior to a player participating in a game as an affiliated player, the player’s name must appear on the affiliating team’s team list.  Also, this form must be duly approved (by signature) first by the Association and second by the District Registrar.

  • Competitive Tryout / Transfer Form - to be used when a player is seeking to tryout for a competitive team in an Association other than their home association.

  • Declaration of Good Standing - to completed if registering in a different area than the past season

  • House League Transfer Application - to be completed when a player is seeking to play for an Association other than their home association.

  • Initation Program Annex A - this form is to be completed by IP groups wanting to participate in a Fun Day event. The forms certifies that all particpants have fulfilled the requirements of Section B of the IP Policy.

  • Team Travel Permit - to be used to obtain permission to participate in a tournament/exhibition from i) HEO Minor for tournaments outside of the branch or ii) from District 3 for tournaments within HEO Minor. Note: if Tournament is being played in the US please use the USA_Can_Travel_Permit.

  • Rowan's Law - to be completed by every player before participating in any on-ice activity.

Special Event Form - to be used to obtain insurance for any non-sanctioned special event your team may be hosting or participating in (such as a game at Scotiabank before a Sens game). There is a new process so please look at the Step-by-Step Guide.

Within District Residency - to be completed if you are registering in a different D3 association than the previous season.

Risk and Safety Injury Report -  This form must be completed for each case where an injury is sustained by a player, spectator or any other person at a sanctioned hockey activity. Click here for the English copy, or click here for the French copy.

Association Insurance/Adminstration Form - must be completed by each Association and submitted to HEO by October 15th of each playing season.

Overage Player Request Form - must be approved by HEO before the participating in sanction play.

Game change request form (switch or rescheduling) - this form must be submitted to the appropriate Division Convenor for approval.
